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If today case and today deaths are 0 then the data of this day is yet to update on the server
This site acts as a platform for all of us to be heroes where kindness would be our superpower. At such a difficult time, we should realise that the lives of healthcare workers are much more at risk that that of ours. However, by donating the PPE which you do not require at the moment, you can actually help save a lot of lives. This site acts as a means for you to connect to your nearby hospital that require your donation to continue keeping you and your family safe.
All the latest data of COVID-19 patients in Bangladesh are updated here daily after they are shared by the authority, including graphs to give you an idea of the growth pattern of the disease in this country.
Thousands of healthcare workers are putting their lives in danger everyday just to save you. It's our turn to give something back. Please donate what you don't need but they desperately do.
It doesn't take superpowers to become a hero. All it takes is the will to do something right. Even YOU have the power to save a life! Yes you read that right!
The very world we know and love is changing by the second while COVID-19 keeps claiming thousands of lives daily worldwide. At the forefront of this pandemic, shortages of supplies have gotten so bad, that staff and support facilities have had to reuse supplies, inducing severe health hazards. Seeing all this unfold before us, we started to set our complaints about social distancing aside, and started to focus on the issue at hand. Thus, Care2U was born!
Feel free to contact us for any queries, feedbacks, suggestions or complaints. Stay safe! The sun will shine on us again!
We are also planning to build a multiplatform app to show you all the details of COVID-19 and other relevent features. If you have any suggestions then please help us to make the world a better place.